Calgon…take me away!

Flight risk

Remember that Calgon commercial?  (Do they even make Calgon anymore?)  Today is one of those days.  Who am I kidding.  Today?  It’s been longer than that, but let’s just focus on today.  This blog is titled “Life Uncensored”, right?  So….here you go.  My uncensored, current thoughts….

We have been dog sitting for almost a week now.  Today the dog’s hind leg is bothering him (he broke it as a puppy and now it hurts at times when the weather gets cold).  So, all morning, he has been lying on my bed sleeping.  And I want to join him.  But I can’t because my to do list is way too long.  And, yet, here I sit at 11:30 am trying desperately to avoid all things chore related.  I am tired.  I am emotionally wiped from a very rough morning and a very hard week.  My little challenge (my 9 year old with autism and ADHD) has been completely off her game for the last month or so and I can’t seem to find a solution.  Being her mom is exhausting!  And being a solo mom means I don’t have that emotional support at home or anyone to take the reins, even for a moment.  Thinking about doing this for however many more years overwhelms me.  And this PMS isn’t helping things!  (Is that TMI?  I did warn you that this was “uncensored”.  Continue reading at your own peril.)

So, what do I do?  I call my dad ranting and crying, buckle down, drink my happy juice (that’s what I call my pre-workout drink…it always peps me up…except for today), put on my running clothes and remind myself that about 1 1/2 miles in, when I hit my stride, I will be so glad I went running and then carry on with the rest of my day.  Ok….honestly, I’ve only currently gone as far as drinking the happy juice.  I’m trying to motivate myself to do the rest.  And all the while reminding myself how guilty I will feel if I instead give in to the temptation and eat the entire pan of brownies I made last night.

Life really sucks sometimes.  But, as I always say, I firmly believe there is opposition in all things (2 Nephi 2:11) and the pendulum will swing in the opposite direction.  After going through great trials, the moments of peace (even very brief, fleeting moments) are sweeter.  I know all things are for my good (Romans 8:28).  It’s just that sometimes I wish the Lord didn’t see a need to give me so many of those “for my good” moments.  Because this girl sure could use some rest.

I know there are others out there who feel the same as I.  So, if you happen to cross paths with someone who unknowingly steals your parking place, or cuts you off on the road, or behaves in some other inconsiderate way, stop and think that perhaps that person is having the same kind of day I’m having and they just need someone to cut them a little slack.  We all have those days (or years).  Say it with me…..WWJD….What would Jesus do?  (I thought that was appropriate being that the Super Bowl is this Sunday. ;))  Kind of a trite statement because of it’s overuse.  But there is something to it.  Afterall, isn’t that the whole purpose of why we are here on this earth.  Let’s all try to be a little kinder and more forgiving. You never know how that simple, loving act will trickle down.


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